Corporate events and parties are an intrinsic part of our lives. Hosts always try to serve the best, and a variety of cuisines to their guests. Almost all the renowned Catering Halls in Brooklyn, New York offer multi-cuisines to appease their guests and live up to their customers expectations. The trend of many hosts these days is a preference toserve seasonal foods to their guests, as people are becoming more and more aware of the health benefits and this type of menu also shows care towards the health of their guests.
Here are four reasons to prefer seasonal foods –
Seasonal fruits and vegetables are naturally ripened on the vine and arrive directly to the kitchen from farms many times a day. It helps to retain the flavor and nutrition in the food. If the fruits and vegetables are stored for longer durations, chilling reduces their flavor.
Cost Less
No money has been spent on the transportation and preservation of fruits and vegetables. So, the raw material to the kitchen costs less, and it also causes a marginal effect on the cost of the whole event.
Higher Nutritional Value
Fresh fruits and vegetables are higher in their nutritional value. Storage results in the reduction of vital anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C, folate and carotenes, etc. and the phytonutrient content also declines.
Support Body’s Needs
Seasonal edibles are abundant in the contemporary nutritional needs of the body like citrus fruits in winters are rich in Vitamin C which helps in preventing colds and flus. The vegetables available in winters are perfect to make hot meals to keep the body warm.
If you keep the health benefits of your guests in mind, they would regard you as a considerate and smart host. Also, if you are serving your staff and associates, they will stay healthy benefiting you with more productivity. So, be smart to choose a seasonal menu while booking a Catering Hall in Brooklyn, New York.